There were occasions when we slipped up 有时候我们也会出错。
You will see exactly where you are slipping up. 你会确切地知道自己哪里出了错。
I tried to slip up the stairs unnoticed 我试图趁没人注意溜上楼去。
As in our personal weight loss programs, our software development projects can slip up due to reasons like those discussed below. 就像在我们个人的减肥过程中,我们的软件开发项目会由于像下面讨论的那些原因一样而滑落。
Don't slip up by becoming lazy or too casual with your social media content. 不要因懒惰或太随便对待社交媒体的内容毁了你。
When it comes to tackling a job, youre almost guaranteed to slip up once in a while. 在处理一项工作时,差不多你偶尔就会出差错。
Dont be too hard on yourself if you slip up. 出差错了也不要对自己太严苛。
One boy in particular received a punishment slip for dressing up as Superman. 有个男孩收到了一份处罚单,原因是他打扮成超人。
Occasionally food fascists slip up. 食物法西斯偶尔也会有疏忽。
Ken: Nancy would pounce. She's just waiting for me to slip up so she can take me down. 南希可是会伺机猛扑的。她就是在等我失足,这样她便可以打垮我。
The slip of paper curled up from the heat of the fire. 纸条受到火烤卷起来了。
Making mistakes is part of being a parent, and discipline is an area where we slip up constantly. 犯错误是为人父母的一部分,惩戒则是最常犯错误的领域。
So why did I slip up? 那么,我为什么疏忽了呢?
It's up to us to put pressure on them and the only way we can do that is by going on a long run of wins, while hoping our rivals slip up here and there. 我们必须给他们施压,我们唯一能做的就是保持连胜。希望我们的对手能摔跟头。
I entered the library as I had always done when on errands for whites, but I felt that I would somehow slip up and betray myself. 我像以往为白人跑腿一样走进图书馆,但我感觉自己会不知何故地出差错暴露自己。
It was a rare slip up from a man voted our player of the season last term-and Gerrard has no doubts that Reina will bounce back quickly. 上赛季我们评选出的最佳球员很少有这样的表现,杰队毫不怀疑雷纳会快速做出回应的。
A win would at least keep Chelsea within reach-the Blues are now two points ahead-and could even put the Reds top if the leaders slip up at home to Everton. 如果取胜至少可以暂时超过领先2分的切尔西,如果领头羊在埃弗顿身上失手的话甚至可以帮助曼联登上榜首。
You may still slip up sometimes and find yourself putting things off. 有时你也许还是会疏漏,发现自己在拖延。
Nobody expected them to slip up against Wigan Athletic and they duly cantered to victory in what was a one-sided contest. 虽然没人指望他们能够把维根打得毫无还手之力,但这确实是一场一边倒的比赛。
Mark: slip up? You mean fall down? 三木:一不留神?你是说一失足吗?
In an organisation our size, it is inevitable that we will from time to time see people slip up and make an error. 在一个像我们这样庞大的机构里,我们偶尔有人疏忽犯错是不可避免的。
There was a conjunction of three mistakes. He makes a couple of slip in adding up the bill. 有三个错误凑合在一起。他合计帐单时算错两处。
"Is this the day I slip end up back on the street?" “我是否正睡在某个街角?”
When handling a high explosive substance like nitroglycerin, even the slightest slip up could be fatal. 处理像***这种高度爆炸性的物品时,即使是最轻微的过失也可能致命。
Fran: oh, no! Did you slip up and tell him who her new boyfriend is? 法兰:糟糕!你该不会一下不留神告诉他谁是她的新男友吧?
One way we create ill feelings in our relationships is by demanding that our partner never slip up. 我们的夫妻关系中制造不良感受的一个办法就是使用命令,而我们的伴侣却从不吃这套。
Used when you want to loop that will not slip or close up. 用于当你想要一个不会滑落或打不开的环孔时。
Analysis and Emergency Nursing of Slip up in 1% Atropine Mydriatic Drop 1%硫酸阿托品散瞳剂误滴差错的分析与急救护理
This paper analysed on the subjective and objective and objective latent danger facter that slip up in 1% Atropine mydriatic drop in ophthalmic nursing practice, and expounded the appropriate precautionary measures. 本文对在眼科治疗护理操作过程中,造成散瞳剂误滴差错发生的潜在危险因素,从主观到客观做了详尽的分析,并阐述相应的预防措施。
The air conveying system adopts programmable drives. The ground transportation system uses transmission slip up conveyors. 空中输送系统采用程控行车,地面输送系统采用滑翘输送机的输送方式。